Download it from the SMF mods site!
Gravatars are globally recognised avatars. Basically, you upload your avatar to the Gravatar site, and it will automatically appear on all blogs and forums that support Gravatar. Whenever you change your avatar, it will automatically change on all Gravatar-enabled sites.
From the Gravatar site:
What is a gravatar?
A gravatar, or globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an 80×80 pixel avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites.
How do I use this mod?
Once you install this mod, it will add a few new options to the Attachments and Avatars section of the admin panel:
If the Use Gravatar for all users? option is enabled, Gravatar will be used for all users' avatars, and the SMF avatar system will be disabled. If the option is disabled, the user will have a choice whether to use Gravatar or not:

0.1 Beta
- Initial releaseDownload it from the SMF mods site!