SMF Mods
Welcome to my SMF Mods page! This page will contain all the MODS
I make for Simple Machines forum (
If you'd like to discuss any of these MODs, please see my forums at Support is also available through the usual methods (bug tracker, and support ticket system).
Main (larger) mods
SMFShop 3.0SMFBlog
FlashChat Integration
SMF-Akismet 1.1
Other mods
Display Additional Membergroups on Profile
This mod will display all of a user's additional membergroup on their profile.View Screenshot
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Display Age and Location next to posts

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Enhanced Calendar
This mod will enhance the display of your calendar. This mod is based on code from JayBachatero.View Screenshot
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Increase/Decrease Postbox Size

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Monthly Statistics on Profile
This mod will add a Posting Activity By Month section to the "General Statistics" page of a member's profile. I'll eventually turn this into a more advanced stats mod, but for now, it's just monthly stats. You may see a live demo of this on my forum, at Screenshot
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Show Number of Errors at Top of Forum

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ssi_boardNews Multiple Boards
This mod will modify ssi_boardNews so that multiple board IDs can be passed to it as an array. This allows you to get news from more than one board. Please see the SMF mods site for full detailsDownload this mod
SSI Topic and Replies
This mod adds a new SSI function that allows you to grab a topic and its replies. Once it is installed, an example of its use can be found on the ssi_examples.php page. Please see the SMF mods site for full detailsDownload this mod
Updated Registration Agreement
Whenever the registration agreement is updated (in the admin panel, under "Registration"), this mod will force users to accept the terms of the new agreement. The user won't be allowed to access the forum until they've agreed to it.Download this mod